Visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, Luis Almagro

Minister Antonio de Aguiar Patriota will host the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, Luis Almagro, in Brasília, on July 9, in the context of the first plenary meeting of the Brazil-Uruguay High Level Group (GAN), established by a presidential decision of July 2012.
During the GAN meeting, the Foreign Ministers will address common goals towards sustainable development and binational integration, such as infrastructure and transportation; productive integration; communication and information; free movement of people; science, technology and innovation; free circulation of goods and services. Uruguay currently holds the Presidency Pro Tempore of MERCOSUR.
From 2003 to 2012, bilateral trade flow quadrupled, from US$ 943 million up to more than US$ 4 billion. Brazil is Uruguay's main trading partner and the main market for Uruguayan products. Uruguay is the second largest investor in Brazil among the countries of South America and concentrates the second largest stock of Brazilian investment in the region, including sectors such as agro-exports, slaughterhouses, energy, food and beverage, finance, construction, chemical, mining and steel. :


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